For years and years, minute invertebrates were pretty much off the table: given my minimal (at that time) visual deficiencies, I just could not see them clearly. Photographing them with the Canon poitn and shoot (in a case, of course) was an act of faith. IO just could not afford a dive mask costing hundreds of dollars, especially since masks are another perishable element, and with prescriptions changing over the years. I lived a life of simplicity.
Boloceroides sp.
Whatever the actual reasons, my studies of invertebrate life and other aspects of marine biology were limited.
As for 2020, orbiting into 2021, living in N. California I see (pun unintentional) little need to consider a prescription mask, at least now. There may come a time. A bucket list item of mine is to photographBoloceroides spp. swimming sea anemones with an excellent photographic rig. Of course, corners would need to be cut. And money that would be used for a top-shelf prescription mask might better be spent for some enhancements for my macro setup.
This idea, from the instructables web site, appeals to me.
I have wondered whether I can order lenses from Zenni or whereever, and glue them into an existing mask.
Here is the Instructable. I like this.